Treamtents at the Berger Lawrence & Douglas dental practice

Our philosophy is to provide the best treatment possible, whilst achieving aesthetic and clinical excellence. Once this has been achieved, prevention is our long term approach with every patient.

White fillings provide a very functional and aesthetic solution to limited dental decay. We do not offer amalgam fillings due to health concerns and their poor aesthetic regard. Where the defect is too great, then an advanced restorative treatment is indicated. Types of such treatments are a crown, bridge, inlay, onlay and inlay/onlay.

Implants have created a revolution in dental practice allowing a superior choice in replacing missing teeth. There is no need to compromise with ill-fitting dentures when implants can be used to securely anchor crowns or bridges.

Endodontic (root canal), Periodontal (gum) treatment and Oral Surgery are all offered when such procedures are necessary. As with any appointment, sedation can be provided by a dedicated anaesthetist. We also welcome children to our practice.

Cosmetic Dental treatment is offered at patient request and may include any of the above as appropriate options. Explanations of such options and their considerations will be clearly made to allow you to make the choice best suited to you.